Monday, April 25, 2011

Thoughts for Easter

(This was intended to be posted prior to Easter weekend, however, my internet access quit on me before I had a chance to post this - that was Thursday 4/21)

The other day I was driving and I passed a church with a sign outside that caught my attention - "Easter, the rest of the Christmas story"  I think I like that.

I do not know how bunnies laying eggs filled with candy for children to hunt came to represent Easter but I think I have a good understanding of what Easter truly is. I am touched every time I read the account in the gospels as to how our Savior willingly took upon Himself the pains of the world. (Luke 22:41-44) I am also touched at knowing He rose again (John 20:1-18)  How sweet this knowledge is! At this time, I hope all of us can take the time to gain a better understanding of what has been done on our behalf.  Please enjoy the following pictures, words to ponder and links to special videos.

Luke 22:41-42

Luke 23:44-46

The Gift

The gasp
From the crowd was
And a few smiles even
As the mallet drove the first
Through the torn
And bleeding

With haste and little care
The other monstrous
Were blasted through
His flesh
And he was lifted, silent, naked,
Blood-covered and agonizing
Amid the jeers, the applause, the lust
Of the ones he loved
So dearly.

Dark clouds boiled, winds tore
At the rocky summit
As the people slapped and mocked
And spit
And taught their children –
Yet in silence He endured, weeping
Not in pain but pity
For those He loved
So awfully far to go.

Eyes closed, He
Spoke often
With His father, who stood
Very near, of Gethsemane
And the torment which left His blood
To stain the ground
Atoning for this so great
A sin
And all others, past and
Yet to come.

Anguish-filled hours dragged
Slowly by
As He hung trembling because
Of pain
And suffering
Both body and spirit
Till the Father in perfect
And understanding

Now alone and
Totally so
The Son cried out
In agony of
Shrinking –
Why hast thou
Forsaken my?

And then a time
Only moments perhaps
But longer than all
When the Son, lonely still
And in silence
Partook of the bitter cup
And finished His sacrifice
For the children
Of men.

Father, the glory be
I have given the gift
Thou sent me forth
To give –
My love for them is now perfect
That theirs may one day be.
It is finished!
Into thy hands, as always
I commend
My spirit.

~Blain M. Yorgason

John 20:16-17
He IS risen!!

It is my testimony that Jesus is the Christ, He alone was the one who could atone for our sins and I know that He did. It is my prayer that we would all be able to apply the Atonement in our lives.

Please take a moment to view the videos below, enjoy the spirit in which they were made.

The Purifying Power of Gethsemane
A talk given by Bruce R McConkie

I Am Christ
Music Video (one of my favorite video compilations ever!)

I Know That My Redeemer Lives
Music Video

I Will Rest In You
Music Video (another must see, and hear, as with the I Am Christ Video)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Quick Tongue Carissa

This past week we were working in the yard, Cherilyn and I along with Carissa.  Cherilyn had been driving the lawn mower with the trailer attached and had had a rough time maneuvering it before she got it where she wanted it.  I jokingly asked her where she learned to drive to which she replied, "apparently I can't!" Without missing a beat Carissa piped in "well Scott can!"  LOL :-))

Our project - clean the old sand out of the sand box and add the new

Carissa helps by removing all the toys before we dug out the old sand
(we are going to build a raised bed for the strawberries and use this sand in it)

Carissa had fun jumping from the truck into the sand pile

A couple of weeks ago we assembled a play house/swing set.  Some friends had given it to us since it came with the house they purchased and their kids were older and not in need of such a thing.  I had to cut some new pieces of wood for ladder rungs and bolt them in as well.

The kids' picnic table fits nicely under the deck of the play house

Marriage is hard work

So the saying goes that marriage is hard work and most of us know that to be true albeit the definition of hard work may be different for each of us.  I was thinking the other day of the work I have done since being married last fall and it has been hard BUT WORTH IT. I am happy with the results.  The following is a list of the "HARD" work I have done -  ;-)

1,200lbs of dog food carried, scooped and fed to the dogs
9,000lbs of gravel shoveled and spread
12,000lbs of wood hauled, stacked and or cut, and fed to the fire furnace
6,000lbs of hay moved and fed to the horses
2,000lbs of sand shoveled (the kids needed new sand for the sand box)