No School day 20
Apr 7
Sometimes you have a crappy day.
Sometimes you get to study where all that crap goes.
Sometimes you realize that your job isn't as crappy as someone else's.
Sometimes people with that crappy job are glad to have it because even during quarantine they are still working and getting paid because their job is essential!
Science- Decided it was time to get the septic tank emptied and thought it was a wonderful opportunity for some home school learning.
We watched several videos about how septic tanks work and anaerobic bacteria do their job.
Then for our science lab we watched the septic company up close open up the tank and pump it out. Kids were less than thrilled for this up close science lesson. But hey, it's an important thing to know about if you live out in the country. How many of my friends have looked into a septic tank?
By the way, just an FYI those flushable wipes you all are using because you can't find any TP, those might be flushable but they are just sitting there in the septic tank NOT biodegrading.
PE- After a crappy morning the girls decided to continue on with the theme and drag the horse pastures to break up the piles and make it easier to decompose. To make it more interesting they wanted to use their dog sled team to do it. They engineered a new center line and attached it to some wire fence for the dog sled team to pull and off they went. It actually worked pretty well and the girls got lots and lots of exercise running all over the field with their dogs.
Home ec- After all the running Carissa worked on sewing in the cool basement. She made 20+ elastic straps for the kayak trailer foamies. Now we won't have any blow off the trailer when we shuttle the empty trailer around on river floats this season.